[H] <Grumpy Gaming> 9/9N 3/9H LF raiders!


We are Grumpy Gaming - an 18+ gaming community focused mainly on World of Warcraft. We’re currently recruiting for our raid team - focused mainly on getting curve, but also willing to push mythic when the time comes. We’re mainly recruiting ranged dps, such as Warlock and Shadow Priest, Though all specs and classes will be considered. New/inexperienced people will not be turned down, as long as you’re willing to listen, learn and push themselves.

We pride ourselves in not just being a guild, but a family. Even though we’re mainly a raiding guild, you’ll always find people willing to help with anything in the game - from pushing mythic+ keys, to farming transmog or mounts - provided you ask nicely of course. Even though we take our raiding very seriously, our main focus is doing content as a guild (no pugging if avoidable), and having as much fun as possible.

Our raid times is:
Tuesdays (20-23 Server Time)
Thursdays (20-23 Server Time)

Just hop on our Discord (can be found on our site), and send DaveAzoicer (me) a message!
Battletag: DaveAzoicer#2539
Discord: DaveAzoicer#0001

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