[H] Holy priest & friends LF guild


Me and a few buddies (tank and 3 dps all 350+) are currently looking for a guild that will do mythic + dungeons and raids.

We're in the search for a guild doing Heroic progression and aiming to get some of mythic done later. A guild which uses voice comms and don't mind good banter is a plus!

We're looking for a guild which can raid on Friday, Saturday or Sunday around 8pm to 11:30pm ST, as some of us work away from time to time.


Iron warriors are a guild made of adults. So working shifts, have kids, study and all that jazz. So we understand if people cant make every raid, or even just don't want to. Raiding with us, or even m+ is not a requirement to join.

But specifically to yourselves. We try to raid on wed and sat for our normal progression atm. And a tuesday to push HC. Ultimatly the idea is to move the HC to our "normal" days as we gear and progress. Swapping HC days to a mythic. Our times are around 2000 server to 2230 server (depending on how far we progress)

We are very open to moving raid days if the raid team find other days better.

If you want me to elaborate more, or want more info hit me up on bnet Kalacia#2224