[H] Holy Priest looking for a Guild

Well geared - i245 - holy priest looking for a decent and reliable guild.

Somewhere that isn’t cliquey, probably runs M+ as well as raiding and has a decent social side as well. I know, it’s a big ask.

I have a long healing career, I’m pretty decent at what I do but I’m quite sure I can improve. Open to realm transfer but unlikely to faction transfer as I just get lost in Stormwind…

I’m looking for heroic raiding, and mythic is good too but not something I’m too hung up about. I’m reliable, always have all the ‘stuff’ for raids and Discord-ed up of course. I cannot raid on Sunday, but any other evening is good for me.

Interested ? Add me:

BNet - Nari#2213
Discord - Shalorra#4250

Hi Deliria

You can check this post out. Maybe we have something for you:)

Lux Aeterna is LF a few dedicated raiders - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Hey I see you may not want to change to alliance but please feel free to look at my post thankyou

Thanks for your response, but you don’t seem to be looking for a holy priest (offspec is not something I am looking to do) ?


Even if you are only interested in playing Holy, we would still welcome you with open arms anyhow :slight_smile:

This topic can be closed - I’ve found a guild to join who have been crazy kind enough to take me in.