[H] Holy Priest looking for a new home

Decent player - i224 if it matters - and currently on 2/10M with AOTC in Castle Nathria.

Looking for a decent guild to raid with, not cliquey or raiding only - in other words, with a nice social side to it.

I’m always happy to help other players, especially if they need help gearing up, and not averse to running M+ (currently have 15/16 as my keys level).

I’ve been playing since vanilla, I know the ropes and always on time for raids, with all the usual consumables. I’m not saying I’m perfect and I make mistakes of course, but I admit my mistakes freely and try to learn from them.

Are there any guilds out there on this server group that might be a good home for me ? I’d consider a server transfer too if the right guild came along. Not looking to faction change though because gnomes. Sorry about it.

Discord: Shalorra#4250
Battle.net: Nari#2213