[H] Hpally / Protpally LF raiding Guild!

Hi all,

I’m just getting back into wow on retail. I USED to be a very serious raider and id like to get back into the progression side of wow! I used to learn tactics of by heart and lead raids during wotlk.

Hpally is my main, I can tank… pretty low ilvl 328.
I also enjoy playing balance druid with a restored offpsec ( but this guy I need to lvl)

I don’t mind switching servers! Raiding time should be between 19:00 - 23:00 st. 3 or 4 nights a week is no problem!

Feel free to chat to me

Merry Christmas very one! I’ll be back on 26.12 in case your interested

Hey there!

Check out our post below:

Kind Regards

Thank you mate. Will check it out. Will be online latest 27.12 again :wink: with loads of free time

Hey dude,

We are a small guild composed of another roster from another guild. We will be raiding serioulsy twice a week from the 24th of january. You can see the post here:

Have a great day!