[H] Is Amazing - Looking for more players to join!

Hi All

I am the GM of a guild called on Horde side - Turalyon/Doomhammer.

We’re about 70 odd people now having been live for approx 3 months and we are looking for additional members to join our guild. We are beginning to do regular heroic runs with a view to end up doing mythics and so on - on a regular basis but the guild is a social guild.

The key from our side of things is be active , be sociable when on and have fun. There’s no minimum level or playtime requirements so we are pretty easy going as a rule.

If it’s of some interest to you, you can find me on battlenet (Singer#2816) or alternatively find someone on line in the guild and we can have a chat if needed.

Otherwise, I am normally available on one of the following:

Arlona (120 rogue), Curracis (120 Hunter), Singera (120 DK), Singerá (120 Paladin) - so one of them. :slight_smile:

See you around hopefully.


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