[H] [Kazzak] The Balcony 3/10 M 2-day raiding guild

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

We are a group of fun and motivated CE players that raid two days a week. We have a strong focus on progress for CE in each tier, while being able to have a great time. We believe that progress should come naturally with a strong team of dedicated individuals. A lot of the players in the guild also focus on pushing m+ so you can find yourself a spot.

Currently looking for:
exceptional ranged dps
disc/holy priest

is your class/spec not on this list? exceptional performing players are always welcome to apply!

Raid days and time:

Wednesday 19:30-22:30
Sunday 19:30-22:30

Invitations start 15 minutes prior.

What we expect from our trials and raiders

Anyone that is applying or raiding with The Balcony should be able to play at a Mythic worthy standard. We pride ourselves in the social aspect and atmosphere of the guild with a progression mindset. We expect you to be able to take in constructive criticism and strive to optimize your gameplay. We do understand that real-life events can get in the way. As long as you notify an officer in advance there is no issue.

If you are interested, feel free to contact:

Battle.net: Fruitymike#2613
Battle.net: Evataro#2604

You can also get in touch by heading over to our Discord server: https://discord.gg/VN2MM7vr

You can apply to us directly on our Discord by following the instructions.