[H] Late night guild -9.2 recruiting- Draenor <Casual Imperfection> recruiting 9/10m

9.2 We are looking for more late night raiders. Exceptional applicants please feel free to apply. We are looking for strong players to compete for current spaces.

Socials always welcome

Please read below for a little about us;

Casual Imperfection is a late-night raiding guild formed in the run up to Shadowlands by a few cutting-edge raiders looking to build a home for like-minded lost souls who can’t necessarily raid at ‘normal’ times due to either work or family commitments.

The aim of the guild is to be able to clear each raid tier whilst it remains relevant and also develop a healthy M+ community. We expect raiders to be switched on and focused during raids.

Previous mythic raiding experience is essential and we feel this must come with maturity and a great team attitude. These are a must and we feel they are the most important traits, so if you are competitive and want to progress as far as possible, then Casual Imperfection could the place for you!

Raid Schedule

Wednesday, Thursday and Monday - 23:00 - 01:30 Server Time

After a strong 2nd raid tier we are now looking for dps players and/or any exceptional applicants. Must be serious about optimizing main character.

Social applicants are also welcome and mythic+ plays a big part of our play schedule outside of raiding.

Very social guild with players often on discord late into the night

If any of this sounds interesting, or you have any questions, feel free to post in this thread or reach out in game to



recruitment open for Ranged DPS and Healers

Still have spaces for the right players - check our wow progress for info

Ranged dps and possibly a healer trial

exceptional players considered -

socials always welcome

Ranged dps and healers required please get in touch

Lf a mythic ready healer

Pref disc sham pala

All exceptional late night players considered and socials always welcome

Still on the look out for healers and ranged dps

Looking for main spec healers and any exceptional dps

Lf healers and possibly exceptional dps -prog is currently at painsmith p3

Looking for healer and possibly dps to finish off this raid tier

Need a late night guild for 9.2? get in touch

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