<Levitate> is a guild on Defias Brotherhood looking to build our roster for Mythic Uldir and upcoming raids! We are comprised of a bunch of people with different backgrounds with a common ambition, which is to have fun while playing World of Warcraft!
We are 2/8 Mythic and looking for Healers and Ranged DPS.
The guild is run by a Council, a group of experienced, mature/open-minded players who are willing to do the work necessary to make the guild a comfortable place to be. This is to ensure the fairest way to handle decisions on loot, raid spots and other important aspects of a guild. Our guild follows a simple ranking system: Raider, Trial, Social and Alt.
In BFA our schedule is 2 main raids on Wednesdays and Sundays with an optional alt raid on Thursdays. All raids will start at 20:15 and end at 23:30. During Mythic progression, end times will be flexible.
Other than our ambition to raid mythic, we also have a couple of members actively pushing mythic+ keys, which in BFA will play an even larger role in the game than now. So if you are just starting out with mythic+ or are already a more experienced mythic+ player, this is also a place where you can have enough of that content!
If you wish to join us, you can send us an application, which is handled through our website: http://www.levitate-guild.eu/
For more information, you can add me through Battlenet with my tag below and I would be more than willing to have a chat with you.