Looking for a possible home for me and a few friends, consisting of a healer and a few DPS. Some of us are flexible. I’ve raided mostly on other characters in the past and changed classes but now will be sticking mostly with DK.
We’re mostly looking for a guild that isn’t too serious but at least completes Heroic.
There’s around 4-8 of us, our main problem is that some of us have Mythic raiding experience, others don’t but we want to stick together. Therefore we’re happy to just play at normal and heroic levels. We don’t want anyone left behind.
Currently we have a DK (UH/Frost) + Resto druid + Fire mage + warlock/DH, as well as a few others who may not play so much, not sure.
This may fit with your people, may not. But this is us;
Just thinking outloud, we have a core team which raids Weds & Sundays to now focus on Mythic progression.
You say some of your people don’t care for that, fine. We run a social / alt raids on Fridays every week for our more social members so that they can see the content? Could be of interest?
Were also pretty busy outside raid days with M+
Hey, if you are your friends are still looking for a new guild, Consider Phlebas are recruiting for some members to try out some mythic raiding. We are an hc guild, but since we cleared out hc rather fast this tier, we are trying to step into some mythic raiding. Check the link for some more information, or add my on Bnet (Synx#2177) for an ingame chat.
Heyho sending you an add on disco,
Seagulls is recruiting all for Mythic progression. (3/8M & final phase 4/8)
We recently transfered to this realm and are looking to fill in a few gaps.
This would probably align nicely with some of your members wanting mythic and others just wanting to stick together.
We do three days, wedn/thursd/sund 20.00-23.00 but take on 2 day players also.
Contact me directly via blizzy#2601 or via seagulls.be website.