[H] LF Causal friendly mature guild any server

Hi all,
im looking for a mature, social guild/community (pref with older gamers) that raids at heroic level at a reasonably relaxed pace. Im not after a guild thats going to try and min/max my character for the sake of 1% dps, i play the game to have fun, i raid to have fun too and always give it my best but i wont change to a spec or talent i dont like the play of.
Im after a guild/community that people interact and chat in game or on discord, where people say hi and bye when they log, that doesn’t have little M+ cliques, that plays other games too and isnt limited to only wow.

My requirements may seem pretty extensive but i don’t feel un reasonable :slight_smile:

Im looking to play my rogue or ret/hold pala in SL :slight_smile:

Im an older gamer myself and have raided since vanilla, i play other games too, im a total geek (so a guild that will get my references to 80-90’s films is a plus).
feel free to drop me a message on discord if you wanted to talk further:


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Hi, we might be what you are looking for here. We’re a new guild getting off the ground on Draenor Horde side and looking to raid once a week on Sundays 18:00 - 22:00. The goal is to create a tight knit group that has fun playing the game.

More info can be found in [H] <Epochal> One day weekend raid (N/HC), looking to build close knit group. If you’ve got any questions please reach out to, contact details in the thread. If not best of luck with the search.