[H] LF Dps for arena

Hi guys,
As the title suggests i am looking for Dps ppl to play arena with, mainly 2s but can try 3s at some point. I began several weeks ago and feel hooked on this Mw even thought
mistakes are punishing and seems harder than other healing classes, i really like it and keep learning it. (mainly how to kite, cuz geting trained each time is not the greatest feeling). Even now when new set bonuses seems awful I’m not gonna play with my holy priest/paladin, and stick to MW. I played a bit arena as healadin back in the WoLK days and then again with MW in BFA. On this expansion I began several weeks ago and got result close to 1.8k (above 1790) which is not that bad given that i played and progressed mainly with pugs at the end of season. And because nothing serious happens in LFG, I decided to ask here and eventually find long-term team mates. So far I’ve been playing mainly with melee partners (ww, cat, dh, war) but I guess can try teaming up with other classes.

Here are some inportang things and expectations to note. As i mentioned i am learning to play MW, wanna emphasize on this. I am open to constructive feedback/criticism.

  1. No profanity, (no need to elaborate on this one) which leads to the next point
  2. Playing for higher CR is not bad idea but if thats ur main goal, its all good, just stop reading here
  3. Play times - mainly in the evening
  4. Ppl that rly understand that this is team play not a solo game. (For example having a plan before gates open)
  5. I care way more for you as a person, rather than your wow character.

So thats it, if u wanna play few games in calm manner and see wether or not we have the synergy and what its needed to play together, let me know here or poke me online or via btag. And ofc it things doesnt happen, then no hard feelings at all, I hope you will find
suitable people to play with.
Btag: Battlebatko#2712

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Hi, found anyone yet?

I play a Demo lock and looking to learn and progress. Limited to certain days I can play as I work shifts but I’m flexible so can free up most evenings when I’m not at work.

Message back on here and I’ll give you my bent add and discord if it’s something you fancy




looking for somebody to play it,
I started playing a short time ago, I m really loving the class.

Looking to run some games,Hit me up if you want to Alistaires#2614.

other people can also add, be cool, mostly I just want to play not really interested in high CR,


sorry i piggy backed on your post :smiley: