[H] LF Late Night Casual Raiding Guild

Was just wondering of there was any mature heroic raiding guilds in Draenor that raid late(ish) at night?

A team that starts around 9 or 10 server time, maybe twice a week would be ideal.

I’m open to playing a DPS or Healing class that fits a guild’s needs. I’ve healed heroic BoD and EP. Would prefer to DPS this time around, probably on a hunter, but happy to switch.

Hi, This may be of interest to you if you are up for raiding a little later and happy to move into mythic once we have built a full squad…https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/h-casual-imperfection-new-late-night-guild-recruiting-raiders-and-socials/203698?u=d%C3%B3tdotdie-draenor

There is also Night Vision guild for late night horde players on Draenor.

The main mythic raiding (12/12M) schedule is start at 23:30 server time, end at 02:00 server time.
We also do casual HC raids (12/12HC) in same hours on regular schedule if you are not on main raid team.

Currently raiding is in laid back mode until SL but send a tell to any of Night Vision players and they can point You to the Recruit officer.

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