[H] Looking for a social guild on EU draenor


Im kinda new in the new wow, played wow before long time ago.
i started again on draenor and im looking for a nice social guild. can someone help me with this ?



Im kinda new in the new wow, played wow before long time ago.
i started again on draenor and im looking for a nice social guild. can someone help me with this ?


Your best bet is the Draenor realm forums

most of the ads are for raiding, but if you keep reading, there are others.

Also, of course, you can listen and ask in Trade. You might want Badboy addon with filter words so you can ignore the boost spams.

Good point. Redirecting this thread to the Draenor realm. :+1:

Hello and welcome to WoW :slight_smile:
We’re always looking for more players to add to our community and are very happy to welcome new players as well as veterans :slight_smile:
Please check us out [H] <Lost Rowsdowers> Social Raiding Guild 8/8 HC - Recruiting
Would love to have a chat with you

thank you all but i found a guild yesterday :slight_smile: thanks for the replys

Hey! I’m looking for social guild here too :slight_smile:

I am looking for a friendly social guild too! LeviOliver#2537 (in game: hubertus)

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