Hey, 27y with alot of spare time on evening, lf raiding guild for slands, looking to get into higher keys/raiding hc/mythic early slands
Immersion is a newly formed guild on Outland! We are looking to round out a good team for the ends of BfA and put together a strong mythic squad for the beginning of SL. We are currently recruiting all classes and specs with a particular emphasis on ranged DPS.
Although we are a new guild, the plan is to be a competitive guild in SL raiding two days a week (expecting raid days to be set as Thursday/Sunday 20:30-23:30ST) with a potential to add Tuesday, although this won’t be mandatory.
We are expecting to be a CE guild in the first tier of SL and expect applicants to be commited to this goal. That being said, we are also recruiting for our social side of the guild, with the plan to run a social raiding schedule with the potential for people who have less experience in raiding making their way into the main team through this route. RBGs, Arena and mythic+ runs are already held daily.
What you can expect from us.
A stable guild with a strong core who are all like minded when it comes to progression: we want to progress at a fast pace, but not at the expense of a fun experience for everyone involved. We want to create a ‘just culture’ that is to say an atmosphere in which mistakes are willingly brought forward and learnt from rather than trying to be hidden for fear of what the raid leader might say.
Outside of raiding, a social guild with achievment and mount runs, mythic keys and people hanging out on discord.
What we expect from you.
We expect a high level of commitment from you. This does not mean you have to maintain a 99% raid attendance or you’ll be benched, real life happens, but we expect our mythic team members to be on top of new developments for their class, min maxing everything reasonably within their power and spending time researching and coming up with ideas to use during progression.
We also expect you to be a decent human being and it goes without saying that toxicity in any form is just not tolerated.
If you would like to discuss anything, please get into contact with me through discord (Rhoan Birch#6369) or battlenet (Yumo#2227) or any officer ingame.
Hi Warlockgodx!
With some good wow veteran friends, we started a new guild called R O N I N. We are growing suprisinly fast since alot of players are returning for shadowlands. we are a semi-hardcore guild looking for players like you for our roster! we will raid wednsday and sunday 1830-2200 with a 15 min break
You are more than welcome to write me back or contact me on battle.net maltheth#2946
looking forward hearing from you
Have a look mate!
Maybe this is something for you :
Ancient Souls
is a new guild on Ravencrest-EU. We are group of adults who enjoy their time in WoW as much as outside of it. Our goal is to build a community with main focus being mythic raiding with reasonable progress on schedule that allows us to take care of our daily lives as well as have fun in Azeroth.
We strive to create a positive atmosphere for anyone in the guild regardless of their aim in the game.
Our leadership has long time experience with raiding in some of the top 50 guilds of the past as well as mythic N’zoth progression in 8.3. Our estimate for Castle Nathria is
5-6/10M before next content patch.
Raiding Schedule:
Main raids:
Wednesday and Sunday: 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Alt raid (non compulsory):
Monday: 20:00 - 23:00 ST
You can also expect daily m+ runs of any and all difficulties as well as more social events, drunk raids and more fun during our offdays.
Whether you focus on raiding, mythic+, pvp or just want to have fun in general, you are free to join us and become part of our community.
Outside of the game we have very active Discord server as well as Facebook group, where you can get to know us and see who you’re playing with.
Guild Master of Ancient Souls
Battle net : Tipe#2310
Discord : Tathi#8733
We’re a welcoming guild and Our goal to get cutting edge at our own pace, but in a relaxed way with enough organisation thrown in to get it done with the minimum of stress. That said, relaxed or not it’s still a raid - you’ll be expected to pull your weight.
It is all about having a very friendly atmosphere and have fun during raid and outside of the raid.