[H]-Magtheridon LF casual raiding guild

Returning player with years of experience raiding, new to BfA though.

Looking for a casual guild raiding normal-heroic 2-3 nights a week, just for funsies, as well as m+

Hit me up if you wanna know more about me.

visol#2124 or Vixolin ingame

Hi Vixolin! Our chilled out guild could be the new WoW home you seek! We’re on Maggy horde side too!

We raid normal and heroic all tier so people can jump in any time to learn the encounters and have fun with guildies (and hopefully get some shiny loot too!).
We also run loads of M+ of various levels and have organised M+ events to get people clearing keys every week whether they want to push or just learn the ropes!

We have loads of other stuff going on too, with social events, guild meet ups, grouping up in other games together and some awesome guild merch so people can rep the guild wherever they are! :smile:

If our guild sounds like a place you want to be then hit me up on Discord (Tea003#8087) or accept my BNet (Tea003#2501) for a chat! :blush: