Yup we’re still going, got guild repair added for members, an active & social guild chat, diversity in raid/dungeon roles, increasing amount of guild runs, more and more players are joining us on the grind and no one’s that close yet to max level so there’s still a good chance to be part of this guild from the starting phase.
Join the discord and let us know you’re here!
Only two people have hit 120 so far. Everyone else still leveling in all level brackets. Building a friendly community where everyone is welcomed.
Most still levelling if anyone interested in joining us
Change that to pretty much everyone. Looking forward to seeing new faces in game soon.
You peeps accept a fresh/new DH if I transfer over here?
It’s no fun playing solo after returning back
I have recently returned to WoW after a six month hiatus to level this warrior in an effort to see the BFA story from the Horde side. I am currently looking for a guild but unfortunately my realm is dominant alliance and therefore I have taken to the forums. I plan on being a active player doing a variety of activities including world quests, dungeons with Mythic + and raids. I have a lot of experience from the last 3 expansions with both normal and heroic difficulty and was even the raid leader of a heroic progression guild in legion.
While I understand your project is still in the early days of levelling, I would appreciate your consideration for an invite when you have a good selection of 120 characters.
If you would like to contact me for anything you can add me on bnet: Bemon#2190
@Bemonz as you stated allot of people are still levelling up but when we have enough 120’s and we know what spots are needing filled for raiding then we will lift the restriction… until then you are free to join us on discord.
Can I join at 30? I don’t want to remake the same character.
hey yes you can join at 30 that’s fine, as we have plenty of people above level 30 now
Is this guild still going? Have an old alt on Magtheridon I’d love to pickup. Balance druid.
Also is it still possible to transfer gold via the AH? Would help as I’ve been on alliance here for a little while hah.
Yes this guild is still going, most are 120 and just started running mythic+ dungeons to gear. We have removed the current level restrictions.