[H] Magtheridon <Rebirth of the Deserted> 'Reroll' guild + Friendly to new players

I was recently part of a newly established reroll project for returning players. Since it, all of a sudden, got shut down. I decided to launch a new one. Most serious guilds have already completed a vast part of the progression, this is a chance for new and returning players to BFA to do it all from scratch, together. Leveling, progressing, raiding or if you’re just out to start somewhere fresh.

I’m all for hearing suggestions about changing details below, join the group and submit your ideas.

What will the guild be about?

  • This will be a horde-based PvE oriented ‘reroll’ guild which essentially means a fresh start for returning or new players that would like to do progressions from scratch. Currently, the serious guilds that are around have already completed a decent part of the progression. This will be a guild for new and returning players that’ll get the chance to do all of it from scratch, that goes for leveling and gearing. I am devoting a large focus on welcoming players who are motivated to help us progress, learn and experience the content of the game.

  • As mentioned earlier. I am devoting a large focus on helping & returning players to level and gear up. If you’re someone who would like to help out with this, you’re welcome to discuss an officer position.

Who can join? (Requirements)

  • For the purpose of this guild, we will not be accepting level 120 characters from the beginning. We will allow it later on, once a few players have reached max level, it will then be allowed to transfer/boost other characters to/in this guild.

  • A friendly attitude towards your co-guildies is a must. Be patient and tolerant towards players that might not carry the same experience as you.

  • Patience. For example, establishing a raid team is going to take some time. You’ll also need patience for leveling and gearing up.

  • You’re not required to have massive amounts of achievements and experience within the game. We’re especially welcoming players who feel motivated to learn and improve their gaming ability in WoW. If you carry the motivation to learn and improve your e.g class rotation and other aspects of the game, you’re good to go. We’ll do our best to help you.

  • We’ll need you to be somewhat active within the guild.

  • When applying to join you can choose between raider rank or social rank.

What can this guild offer you?

  • A fun and fresh beginning in a new guild that consists of friendly like-minded players. We want to build a close knit community from early levels to benefit us in the later levels.

  • We’ll offer you to help to improve your gameplay, class rotations, gearing and guidance

  • A balanced raiding schedule. No one should be required to invest all of their free-time.

  • A leadership that consists of mature, friendly and helpful players.

Leveling rules (might tend to change):

  • Start from level 1.

  • Heirlooms are allowed. RAF (Recruit a friend) / Level boosts are NOT.

  • Death Knights are allowed after you’ve reached level 55 on another character first. Same goes for Demon Hunters, acquire a level 70 character in the guild first.

  • This is not a level-cap guild. You’re free to go all the way up to 120.

Realm: Magtheridon
Guild Name: Rebirth of the Deserted
Faction: Horde
Start date: LIVE

I’m actively looking for raiding-experienced officers later on that can help out organizing raids etc.

Please use our discord instead of battlenet community group, it’s a platform we find much easier to use and more functional: discord.gg/bS6ba9x

Invite link (NEW) : https://blizzard.com/invite/zNvdA5SBw0


Appreciate that you’re still fightin’ the good fight for us, brother. Wee bump from a returning player lookin’ for a new home!

Thanks for taking on project now lets get a few more people to join and show there interest so we can get this started.

I have a feeling this may be the reroll project i was interested in…logged in tonight and the group has gone from bnet :frowning:
I will keep an eye on this as would love to level horde side again!

Hey chel! I know exactly which reroll project you’re referring to. I am not that owner, he decided to disband that group all of a sudden for no given reason. I was part of it as well, that’s why I made this one :slight_smile:

Glad we are getting back on track!

Hi there!

This looks interesting and I would love to give it a try. If this project gets into PvE raiding phase before Azhara content it would be awesome.

Any ideas on class spots open / needed in this project?

Would love to give this a shot, was just kind of tiring of BfA but this sound just like what I need a completely fresh start, community invite link doesn’t work for me but you can add me on bnet if you like SgtFapfap#2357

Looks really promising, sign me up :smiley:

Still plenty spots open for any class you want to play… The link to the group expired at the moment but i get Fionaflex to post new one when they get on and you can join the group and discuss it further.

Yeah it expired but hold tight i get Fionaflex to post new one when they get online.

Hey guys! I had to work the entire day unexpectedly… Sorry for not updating the link. Use this one to join: https://blizzard.com/invite/zNvdA5SBw0

I am well up for this as a returning player who has no friends and is lost :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We just scratched ‘Defias Brotherhood’ from our realm choice. It seemingly has a very low activity and that’s not what we’re looking for. Right now the most preferable option around based on discussions and statistics seems to be ‘Magtheridon’. A final decision will most likely be set today. Thread updated.


I would love to join, allready a lvl120 shaman. And im plating for over 2 weeks now. To be clean, I am a returning player, but I couldnt resist to play the extensions. When I looked at this guild, I liked The story and your intentions!

Hey Harryslinger! You’re absolutely more than welcome to join us as long as you begin on a level 1 character :slight_smile:

im up for joining! just returned 2 weeks ago so making a new alt is perfect for me!

Ye that was my idea as well. Never experienced a guild from The start. As soon as i am home I Will try to sign meself up

I’m sure Fiona will edit the post soon but now also have a Discord server (https://discord.gg/bS6ba9x) and the guild has been formed on Magtheridon.

Great asmosphere with many people currently leveling together :>

The guild all set up on Magtheridon… We are having a blast levelling feel free to join us.