- Draenor EU - Horde –
Language: English
Raid Nights: Mondays & Wednesdays 19:00-23:00 server time
Current Progression: 10/10 Normal, 1/10 Heroic Recruitment
Contact: https://discord.gg/uEBurdGJV5 or KID WEENUS#4459 on discord. Requirements: 190+ ilvl for raid team trials, bit of common sense, able to have a laugh and join the discord. All welcome to join.
Current Recruitment Pref: DPS and Healers mainly (extra points if HPaly) About Us: We are a friendly casual raiding guild currently looking to step into Heroic raiding. As a chilled out friendly guild we are only just going into Heroic and committed to build up a team, but offer Torghast runs, M+ and PvP, all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to get stuck in with the group!