Guild Description :
Reincarnate (All content clear) is currently recruiting additional members. Our aim is to clear content as efficiently as we can and have a good time doing it. If you’re looking for a lively environment then you’ll fit right in!
We raid on Wednesday 21:00ST (BWL) and Friday 20:00ST (MC).
What are we looking for?
We are currently looking for a few mature players with a good attitude in order to fill our raiding composition. Using consumables and bringing your best to our raids is expected.
We’re mainly looking for Priests, Rogues, Warlocks and Fury Tanks. All other exceptional applicants (as well as socials) are welcome.
What you can expect joining us :
You can expect an entertaining guild that recently had an overhaul that is constantly pushing to improve and an active discord voice channel where we mess around and help regarding spec, rotation, gear, tactics… when needed most.
Loot :
We have a Loot Council set in place in order to reward players that put in effort inside and outside raids while punishing slackers at the same time.
Contact us!
We’re happy to answer any question you have about the guild.
Discord: dan#9225
Ingame: Drömmen / Calmyr / Oo / Stormchief