[H] [Mograine] <Hexproof> Recruiting 10 man semi-hardcore

Semi-hardcore/ casual-core
10 man normal/heroic +

Why join us?
As a new guild on Mograine, we are looking for people to start the WotLK experience with, from leveling and pre-BiS gearing to raiding. We’re aiming to fully clear heroic/hard modes while finding a balance between casual fun and pushing to clear the content efficiently. With a smaller roster, individual performance becomes more impactful, but so does individual responsibility.

Why 10 man?
We will be transitioning to 25 man, but for the start, it is much easier to manage a 10 man guild. We wish to establish a strong core from which we can expand, focusing on quality, not quantity.

Who are we?
We are a group of friends that has been playing together since Vanilla (2006). We started organized raiding in WotLK from TotC onward, beating ICC heroic before the raid-wide buff, with a break until Legion. There we achieved CE starting from ToS up until BoD in BFA.

Raid Time
Tuesday 20:30 - 11:30 (server time)
Thursday 20:30 - 11:30 (server time)

*Note! *
For the first 2 weeks of each raid tier release, there will be a third day in which we will do progression (2 hours). Date TBD with the guild members.

Loot distribution will be done via loot council.

What we are looking for:
In order of interest

DPS: - 1 slot, druid (feral pref, but balance ok)

*Healer: * - 1 slot - anything not paladin

Additionally, we are looking for 1-2 part-time raider/socials who could occasionally join, should the situation demand it.

Contact information, Discord:

  • Trivorx#4921
  • Carnak#4216

Application: https://forms.gle/s1rhMo4n5C1Kr4ff9

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Tank position filled. Still looking for the rest :slight_smile:

Updated information with your current status and what we are looking for. Thank you for your interest.

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