I’m looking for new guild which recently started progressing in BoD mythic. As a healer I have relatively decent heroic experience, however my mythic logs are actually bad (which was pointed out to me by several guilds that I’ve tried applying to).
Therefore, I would be happy to join a collective who would grant me a chance to prove myself as well as offer help in improving as raid healer.
Currently I have 2/9M experience (got multiple kills on those as well as 140+ wipes on Grong M when progressed with previous guild) and few other kills while being a trial in higher-tier guild.
I would prefer to join Horde guild on any EU server that raids 2 or 3 times per week on any days except Mondays and Wednesdays. Since I’m +2 hours to server time I can’t be available for late night raiding. However, anything between 17:00 - 23:00 sounds good to me.
Contacts: Mazzoroth#2992, or in-game Falkus-Tarren Mill
Thanks for reviewing this post and have a great day!
Hey mate, we are currently a 5/9 heroic guild looking for new players to raid with, we are a strong guild and raid team who are lacking some consistency which we are focused on fixing, we need new players to join us as we know we can progress quickly. we have downed mythic bosses in past raids and we will be in mythic BOD in no time, if this is somthing that sounds interesting then give me a message in game at Aleksia#21307
Heya! This is my recruitment: [H-DRAENOR] DHX - HEROIC AND MYTHIC RAIDING
We raid 2/3 days a week depending on need, starting in heroic and working our way through mythic. We are a social bunch of loot hos, who live on discord and love mythic plus. Best to read the post and if it interests you give me an add on battletag LAORII#2787, or one of the other officers listed in the post. Cheeeeeeers! 
Hey Dude,
I’m the GM of Confusion, we’re 1/9 Mythic and 9/9 Heroic. We’re currently recruiting mainly for the next tier. We’re definitely interested in going further into Mythic but we just need the extra heals 
This is my current recruitment message if you want to know more about the guild: [H] Confusion - Tarren Mill 1/9M 9/9H [Recruiting DPS & Healers]
We currently raids 2 main days
Thursday: 20:30-23:30
Sunday: 20:30-23:30
We also have an alt run on mondays but it’s not compulsary 
Please feel free to add me Hilly#21904 for more of a chat
Dan (Hilly)
No Pressure is a horde guild playing on the connected realms of Shattered Halls (Shattered Halls / Balnazzar / Ahn’Qiraj / Trollbane / Talnivarr / Chromaggus / Boulderfist / Daggerspine / Laughing Skull / Sunstrider).
We are all communicating in English and use Discord for raiding. H 9/9 M1/9. We are in need of dps or healer for mythic progression. Our raids are on Wednesday and Sunday 21:00 - 23:30.
We also run multiple M+ as guild groups.
If you think you could make it to one of our raid evenings - you are welcome to join. Reply here or message in game if you have any questions