[H] Mythics - Calm Keystones

Hello there! Me and my friend would really like to join ^^ We look forward to having a great time with everyone! Our tags are Senko#2936 and Shagarth#2433

Hi guys, I 'd like to join , Battlebatko#2712

Does anyone have the community code for horde? I would like to join on my horde alt.

can i get an invite? my btag is Unknown837#2494

Really interested in this. May I get an invite? Nephthiz#2864

Hey All. Happy new year I’ll try to get round to inviting people tonight if you are on. as always you can message myself (orkantfany-Hellfire) or any of the below people to get the invite code.


p.s we are in need of more tanks/healers.

I’d love an invite, thanks. Debaser#2289

I have been looking for a group like this. Main is warlock but I have a 368 something shammy healer aswell. Dspice#2734 would love an invite. Thank you in advance

Hey, I would love to join a communirty such as this.
I am mostly a tank, main is a 380 1k IO, Brewmaster.
Alt’s include 4 different tank chars…

Baand#2963 Is my Bnet
Thank you in advance

Just to make people aware this community is NOT a push only 10+ keys community. It is a community where every key should be doable and people should actively want to help others. We’ve had a number of people join that are only bothered about doing 10+ keys and ignoring everything else.

This community was set up to be all inclusive and to give people a chance to run keystones without prejudice and the ‘your not good enough’ attitude that gets seen when m+ is in the equation. That means people helping the freshly levelled 120 do an m0 and then push a key or 2 with them. That means running and pushing +13’s with people. that means helping others.

We ask that if you join this community you help out. push those 10’s push those 13’s but help people that need a little nudge up the ladder too.


I’d be interested in an invite to the Calm Keystones community. I’ve returned to WoW after about 6 years of absence, and my former guild is dead. Obviously I’m new to the whole Mythic+, but have tanked my first Mythic0 dungeon and think I’ll be interested in doing some low keystones soon. (Kaluun#2238)

Hi there, awesome initiative!
I would love an invite, usually melee damage dealer but wanting to dip my toes into tanking low keys, have 6 tanks 370 ready to go.
My btag is Bukavac#2456, cheers!

I would love an invite to this community, i’m a tank but i’ve not done much in the way of m+ so would love to learn them btag is samcaekz#1720

Hi there,
I’d be greatly interested in joining this community!
May I please get an invite, BTAG is Nathilliams#21420



Love this sound of this and always up for chill runs for any level of key :smile:

Have a number of characters with some tanks in the works!

If i could get an invite on Curt#21759 that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Hi , throw me a whisper if there’s open spots , i really would like to join

Hi. If there is still room, I would love to join. QornyE#2872

If this is still going on, add me plz :slight_smile: Ryox#21209

Sounds nice, i’d be greatful if you add me: Shinigami#22499