Good evening there fellow maw walkers, we at Narwhals are looking for more people to stop Cthulhu eating YEE
in our recent history of raiding we have gotten some good members in and have raided heroic Nathria , with that team we have gotten 10/10 HC and 1/10 M down.
however with the game being in a quationable state over the past few months and no new content on the horizon alot of members decided to take a break from wow or quit entirely.
the members that wanted to continue the game have sought refuge in other guilds and thus it Cthulu ate our guild
all with all some steady progress and a really good environment doing it , we love to have fun and get some jokes going while on trash pulls and such but with the guild dying about 2 months aggo we all took our needed time off
over the past week the descision has been made to try and remake the team with some of the old members returning. we now decided to recruit more numbers to have a stable team going at the launch of 9.1
Our goal for the raiding within Shadowlands and even further expansions after that is we want to achieve the following goals:
- Cutting Edge every tier
- A Stable raiding team
- Same people on each pull / raid night (no fight specific benching)
- Most importantly have fun while playing the game
Raiding days / times:
because most of us have a job and some even a wife and kids “Shruggs” we feel that we can achieve our goal within 2 progress raiding days, these 2 raiding days are:
- Wednesdays 20:00 - 23:00 (invites @ 19:45)
- Mondays 20:00 - 23:00 (invites @ 19:45)
we will be doing a third optional day for farming, this day is used to farm that 1 piece of gear someone might need or to gear up any new recruits and such.
this optional raid day is:
- Thursdays 20:00 - 23:00 (invites @ 19:45)
Note that at the start of SoD we will be temporarily converting this day to a main raid day for extra progress
What do we need:
we are currently in need of the following classes / roles to get our raiding team more stabalized:
Tank: (0 open spot)
No open spots at this time
Healer: (1 open spot)
Resto Shaman
Melee DPS: (0 open spot)
there are no open spots at this moment
Ranged DPS:
Any ranged DPS Spec will be considered
all other classes and spec will be considered so do not feel like you can not contact us if your class / spec is not listed
If you feel like we might be a good fit for you and you would love to have more information or a simple chat feel free to poke the following people on discord:
- Eliree#1746
i hope to hear from you soon
Eliree and all these other slacking officers