< Nightwatch >
Horde | PvP | Raid guild on Earthshaker EU
We as a semi-hardcore oriented guild are looking for motivated players who bring both quality and commitment to successfully spend time with us in Classic. The basic requirement to be happy with us is experience, preparation and the ambition to experience the progress in an efficient, but pleasant atmosphere.
The majority of our members have been in the classic scene for years or have already been active in Vanilla and therefore have extensive experience in Naxxramas, Ahn’Qirai and all other raiders.
The core of the guild including guild leadership has been playing together successfully for several years, we have cleared the whole content (from MC till Naxxramas).
Raid Info:
Raiddays :1 Sunday ( Later 2+1Progress day )
Raid time: 20:00-24:00 ( CET +1 )
and ZG / AQ20 on off days ( or when all ID´s are cleared )
EPGP System ( dkp )
What we offer:
experienced and motivated guild leadership
good core
pleasant community that also enjoys spending time outside of the raids
relaxed raid atmosphere at a high level – when everything went fine !
PvP motivated players bc of rankers
What we expect:
Reliability, ambition and perseverance
stable internet connection and corresponding hardware
Discord and Headset
Understanding for his class
Players aiming to improve themselves and the raid steadily
Currently considering all applications.
In need of the following:
Warrior - Low
Rogue - Low
Shaman - High
Priest - Medium
Druid - High
Warlock -High
Mage - High
Hunter - Medium