[H] <Nivlheim> PVE/PVP guild is recruiting

Horde citizens!

Are you lonely? Left out of the raid once again due to your guild being too big? Maybe you just want to be part of a great community without the elitists watching your every step? Fear not, Nivlheim is now recruiting!

Who are we?
Just random people that enjoy wow and especially classic. Our community is currently small but very nice and we would love to recruit more people. The goal is to enjoy every aspect of the game without taking it too serious. We have new players, veterans, PVP, PVE or RP players and if you want you are welcome as a social. We have around 15 active members.

The current plan:
The guild is as old as the server but we are still in the early stages due to not recruiting actively, so that is the plan for now. If people commit to our guild there are open spots for becoming an officer if you like the responsibility.

We have decided to use a loot council for our raids, but we are open to discuss this further. We have no tank currently as people are still leveling up, so becoming a main tank is also open. At least 1-2 raids per week (days will be discussed later).

Once phase 2 is out there will be a lot of PVP. We will create events, premades and other fun stuff. You will see us out in the world or the battlegrounds!

There are no current plans for RP, but we have roleplayers here and would like to arrange something or participate other events.

Do not take the game too serious.
No politics in the guild chat.
Good understanding of English.
Be social and have fun!

If you have any questions, please write it down here or whisper/mail me ingame.

We hope to see you here!