[H] No Target Raiding - Guild and Community

Who are we?

No Target Raiding is a warcraft community of the Unknown Destination discord group. Our group is currently fairly small with around 10-20 active players over multiple games such as Destiny 2, Among Us, the recently released Valheim, Diablo, Hearthstone and the Total War RTS series. However, we are happy to expand over other games if enough are interested. We are predominantly an English speaking group but we have lots of players where English is their second language.

What we are looking for

We are looking for members to join not only our raiding community but also our gaming community, players who want to be part of a greater social group than just a raid group who turn up for raids for a day and then not seen again until the next raid. If you want to be part of a bigger social group then check us out at https:// discord.gg/x9jHB5QC.

When you join the discord you may not see anyone online, please read the messages in the welcome channel and select the games you are interested in and you’ll possibly see players online in the game specific channels but we generally hang out in the lobby.

Warcraft Raiding Details

  • Raid Days - Mon / Thu at 2000 Server (CET) or 1900 UK

  • Aim - We are not a Mythic raid group/guild. Our goal is just heroic progress and farming each tier and having fun in raids, both old and new.

  • Recruiting - All classes but tanks or flexible players being highly sought after currently. The character doesn’t have to be your main and you are free to raid with others outside of our raid times if you choose.

  • Warcraft Community - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/invite/WbKny2tdNB?region=EU&faction=Horde

Recruiting Process

Upon joining the group you will be on a 2 week trial basis, not to judge you on your ability as a player as we believe everyone can improve with practice and time but how you fit among us, that you are active and social player, we don’t expect you to spend every moment of your game time with us but enough that we can get to know you.

Warcraft Guild

For those interested in finding a new home for your characters we have a Warcraft Guild on the Scarshield Legion, Sporeggar, The Venture Co, Ravenholdt, Defias Brotherhood, Darkmoon Faire and Earthen Ring cluster. Recruitment is the same as the group; you will join as a trial and then after two weeks be reviewed and full membership. For an invite to the guild just whisper any member or one of the officers: Anzureth, Ono, Aileander or Nicwilde.

Thank you for reading and hope to see you soon in our community.