[H] [Northstar Legion] 5/10 H is recruiting

Northstar Legion, Dragonmaw’s oldest guild is looking for 2 ranged dpsers (preferably Warlocks, Mages or Boomkins) to join our raiding team.

We’ve achieved ‘ahead of the curve’ for the last 3 raiding tiers in a friendly and relaxed raiding atmosphere. We especially welcome skilled old timers who don’t have as much time as they used to :wink:

2030 -2230 Monday
2000-2200 Thursday. Our runs are relaxed and friendly - talk to Tujuka or boddit.

As we’ve been around since vanilla, we always welcome new members even if you’re just a social player or you’re an alt-oholic.

On the m+ front we welcome folks who want to get started to those who want to push keys.

As a guild our ambition is to be:

  • a warm and helpful guild for social players and alt-aholics
  • an active roster for those who wish to hone their skills and gear in mythic plus
  • A stable raiding team for heroics

Alternatively, if you have any questions feel free to add me (Tipping#2694) and I can answer any questions you might have.

I hope to hear from you soon!


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