H or A Returning player looking for a raiding guild

Returning player looking for a raiding guild. Willing to either xrelm or reroll a char. Looking to raid on my hunter or heal on a shaman,druid or priest.
My raid days due to work (i work nights) are pref monday tues and wed evenings but can raid any night as long as the raids over before half 10 server time as i work at 11 server time.

Played on and off for 15+ years and just want some where to log on do m+ with a guild and raid a couple of nights and get things done in a fun environment.

if any one is interested drop me a message on bnet. Locien#2378

Hey there!

Ministry of Silly Wipes could be worth a look for you!

We raid Saturdays and Sundays, but from 20:00 Server time until about 22:00 usually. As well as doing mythic + frequently throughout the week, with players at various skills levels.
We’re very active and social on discord too!
Please have a look over the thread I linked, and if we sound right for you, feel free to add me for a chat!

Bnet: Westie#2496
Discord: xWestie#9361

oh great. im creating a char on your server and will have a chat with you when your free :slight_smile: seems like a winner.

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Sweet ^^
I’m working until 10pm tonight, but can chat now and then on Discord, if you’re able to add me on there? =)