Hello Forums!
Who are we?
The Guild itself has been around since 2007, yes, the name was at one point relevant. We started off on Auchindoun and moved to Ragnaros at the start of Mists of Pandaria.
We’re a community of people from all over Europe and beyond and while, most of us, met through the game we’d consider each other good friends. And because we’re a Social Raiding guild, the people really count.
What we do
- We are a Heroic Raiding guild, so we run clear Normal first and then we get into Heroic, assuming we’re geared for it. After we’ve cleared that we’ll spend the next week or so getting the Raid achievements so we can get the mount! Beyond that we then run Alt runs or whatever else.
- We run Mythic+, there’s people happy to do keys whether their high keys or low keys.
- We have a few people amongst us interested in PVP, we run other ingame content as a group, we do Transmog runs and play other games together like Minecraft, Path of Titans, Classic, Destiny 2, Darktide 2 etc.
- We’re a very social bunch. We hang out on Discord in the evenings and weekends. There’s about 5+ regulars always on there and the more the merrier.
Other reasons to join us
- We were the 84th guild on the server to kill the Jailer on Heroic, so we’re a pretty big deal
- Our guild members are mostly above average in height
- As we’ve now had three guild meets we can now say we’re IRL friends
So that’s who we are, now what we’re looking for!
Currently recruiting: Possibly a healer? With dps os
Classes we need: Nothing in particular right now
While those are the classes we need we’re open to any and all classes. The chances of us turning you down because of your class is very low. So reach out anyways!
Socials always welcome c:
What else we’re looking for from people.
- You have to play a Horde race.
- Looking for Social, non toxic, players. Banter is fine and a heavy part of our chat - but sometimes you gotta know when to stop.
- Reliable Players, you are expected to show up to 90% of the raids. We understand that IRL takes priority (most of the time) but you are expected to show up. If you are unable to make a raid, you must let an officer know.
- We are an English speaking guild, as we have players from all over Europe (and beyond).
Our Raid times are Monday and Thursday 20:30 - 23:30 Server time.
I don’t think there’s anything else to cover but if you have any further questions or you’d like to join. Add my Battle net: Twilightsky#2695