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About us:
We are a group of friends who, after raiding with each other for a while, thought there was a better way to do things. As a result this guild was born. Despite starting a guild in arguably the worst time/expansion (end of Castle Nathria) we’ve done better than expected with a pace, that we believe, is in line with the guilds potential. We believe in quality over quantity.
Progression raids: Wednesdays & Thursdays 19:45- 23:00 Server time
Social/alt raids: Sunday 19:45-23:00
We are only interested in players that can commit to these days!
Apart from the standard stuff, like knowing your class/being prepared/paying attention etc etc, we are looking for people that are willing to commit their time, effort and most importantly place the guild’s needs/wishes above their own. We’d also like to share our current raiding philosophy: It’s a marathon not a sprint. Our primary focus is to be consistently raiding throughout a tier. Rushing it while throwing out band-aid solutions left and right will only get you so far.
Our main goal is to improve in any shape or form, tier-by-tier and we are looking for like minded people.
What we plan to offer:
Fairness, Team effort, Honesty, AotC AND CE experienced players, An active community/discord & a guild that tries to look ahead as much as possible.
Recruitement Officer - Sezar/Artthus Discord - Metademon#0954 / Battlenet - OSI#2672
Exceptional players of any spec will always be considered.
Socials are always welcome.