[H] Paradise Lost - Looking for Mythic raiders

Alright, listen up, you bunch of pixel-pushing adventurers. Here’s the deal, straight from the heart of Azeroth:

Our Saga:

We’re the old guard from the Wotlk days, with roots deep in the TBC era. We’ve seen it all - from the glory of Naxxramas to the peaks of Icecrown Citadel. We’re the grown-ups, the 30+ crowd, who’ve swapped out our nappies for sarcasm and a no-nonsense attitude.
Our Vibe:

We’re the last of a dying breed - gamers who take our classes seriously without turning into raider/io addicts. We’ve quit and returned more times than we care to admit, but here we are, clearing HC, grinding M+ like it’s our job, and now we’re looking for comrades-in-arms for the long haul. Even when the hype fades and the curve is curved.

The Fine Print:

• No Elitist BS: We’ve got no room for the “Flavor of the Month” crowd or toxicity that thinks it’s the next big thing.

• Commitment, Not Benching: We’re not about making you sit on the sidelines. We need folks who can show up when it counts.

• Schedule: Raids are on Wed/Thu from 20:30 server time. We’re looking to add more mythic kills to our tally before the next tier drops. Alt run/casual funday/gearing run on Sunday (optional attendance).

• Respect the Time: We won’t force you into classes you hate, but we expect everyone to respect the raid time. Don’t mess with our game nights, got it?

• Basic Etiquette: Don’t stand in fire, and for the love of all that’s holy, don’t blame the healers.

What We Want:

• DPS - Mages, we’ve got a special place in our dark hearts for you!
Taking in consideration other classes/specs as well.

If you’re as crazy as we are and want to join this band of merry misfits, hit me up: Jxmjxm#2581 and jxmjxm94 on discord.

Thanks for reading, and may your adventures be as epic as your sarcasm.