[H] <Phoenix Legion> Do we have a guild for you!

<Phoenix Legion> Draenor-EU Horde

Hey, why not come and hang out with us? We’re a long-standing guild and many of our players have known each other since Vanilla, but don’t let that put you off: we love new people! So long as you’re enjoying the game the way you want to enjoy it, we’re happy to give you a place to call home.

Yes, we do raid, but we’re not a hardcore raiding guild. We all have lives outside of the game and as such, our raid rules are relaxed. We really just want to enjoy our raid nights with friends, have fun figuring out the fights and celebrate when we down a boss for the first time! So with that in mind, we’re not necessarily recruiting raiders. We’re recruiting people. We want members that we can be friends with and whose company we enjoy, and in return we hope you’ll find the same with us.

Raiding : If you DO want to raid with us, then we have two teams: a heroic team (8/9H BFD) for those who enjoy a challenge, and a casual team (9/9 BFD normal and 3/9 heroic) for those of us without a lot of time to dedicate to the game, which focuses on clearing normal (or if you want to raid with an alt), and then giving heroic a poke once we’ve farmed the heck out of normal and people are comfortable with more of a challenge.

The two teams are exclusive as far as expectations and progress are concerned but members are welcome to raid in both (Sunday evenings are popular for alts!).

The casual team raids on Sunday evening from 8-11pm server, with the heroic team raiding on Friday evenings from 8-11 server. Anybody is welcome to join the Sunday team and we won’t be stern on item level or experience. Need to shoot off early, can’t make the whole evening or can’t commit each week? Don’t worry about it :slight_smile:

Mythic+ : Yeah you bet! We’ve got a group of players who regularly organise this and they’re always looking for more people to enjoy this content with.

Hangin’ out, shootin’ the breeze : Don’t fancy instances? Hey man, fine by us. We like socials just as much as we like raiders. In fact, the more guild chat the better!

All the other things: Look let’s not mince words here: there are a lot of things in the game and if I type them all up then this is going to get really long, really fast. We try to enjoy most aspects of WoW (except PvP at this point in time but hopefully that can change with new blood) so long as there are people willing to do so, and the more members we have, the more possibilities this opens up.

What We Ask For

We don’t ask for much in return:

  • We’re all adults here, so we would prefer 18+ players. We’re not ageist, but we don’t like drama either. We’re not the guild for rants or tantrums as we don’t ever want our members to feel uncomfortable.

  • Able to, and comfortable with, communicating in English.

  • Be a friendly person. Like I said, we’re hoping to recruit friends as well as team mates.

In return, I hope that we’ll be able to offer you a relaxed, comfortable place to call home with a bunch of people who love the game. We’ve had folk from outside the guild compliment us on our relaxed raiding environment and we hope that this is something people enjoy if they choose to play this aspect of the game with us.
If any of what I’ve said here floats your boat, then we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to whisper any of our officers in game, or send us a message on Discord. We are:, Faejera (Spenceroon#8624), Kurce (Kurce#9916), Vaenor (Vaenor#8870) and Wrathgar (faithful Guild Master).

Blimey, that was a long recruitment message wasn’t it? Speak soon you lovely bunch.

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bumping the post

bumpitty bump

Thanks to all the people that have messaged us, happy to have welcomed you to the guild! We’re keeping recruitment open for now so keep 'em coming!

Speaking as an “outsider complimenting the raid roster” in the past, I’ll confirm that Phoenix Legion is a genuinly friendly, relaxed and chill group of people and raiding with them has been fun and drama-free always.

If you’re looking for a friendly environment to hang out and clear content with, then you should try them out.

(Wrathgar: we’ll talk about my fee later :D)

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Hi there! Id love to join this guild and casual team to start and hc team once i get som better gear! Im a very lonely Holy paladin since my old guild fell apart. I do have lots of hc raiding Done on other characters. Im way past 18+ of age :rofl:

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Thanks Thuls, you’re a good man and we’re glad our guilds are friends!

Noleria, more than happy to have a chat with you! Hit one of us up whenever you see us and we’ll get the ball rolling :slight_smile:

You sound like a guild I’d like to join, my last did not work out for me as expected. Iwould like to also raid I do not need a high end progression raid, but I find that getting to know ppl is best through social raiding or doing other stuff together. Was flying solo most of the time on this char. I do not enjoy M+ much especially in Pugs (or pug raids for that matter.)

I am a 40+ female gamer, I can take friendly banter as long as it is not insulting. Am relatively new to the Zandaladin, been mostly maining Restoshaman or Holy priests the past few years. Retridin at the moment but I can see myself learn to heal on her as well.

Got a Horde of alts with various levels.

Hoping to see y’all around. Cheers.

Hi Merenja, hit one of the officers up and we’ll be happy to have a chat with you! We spend time on alts so poke anybody in the guild and they should be able to send you to us if we’re not on our mains!

On a wee side note for all the people that have added me but haven’t seen me around: I’ve not been online a lot during the week but any of our officers will be able to help you out if you message them in game, see the original post for names :slight_smile:

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Got me with that!

Nice one! :grin:

Sound nice. Count me in as a social :slight_smile:

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