[H] Premonition is looking for Raiders HC/Mythic

About us
Premonition is a tight knit group of players with a core team that have been raiding and playing together since wrath of the lich king. We view ourselves as a semi hardcore guild looking to push into mythic when we can. We try to have some fun while we raid and encourage everyone to play the way they want to play. We normally find ourselves clearing the current tier on heroic with time to spare before the next patch and are looking to recruit new members to the team to help us take that step into mythic so we can try out the harder level of content.

8/8 Normal
8/8 Heroic
3/8 Mythic

What we are looking for
Currently we are recruitings the following roles:
Range Dps

We will however consider all players as we have some flexibility in the team to adjust if we need to. We don’t have requirements around having to have killed so many bosses or have so much gear. The kind of people we are looking for are people who want to have a laugh and get some progress done. A person who will try and improve and take feedback well. We are happy to help but only if you are willing to listen.

Raid info
We raid Wednesday, Thursday and Monday between 20:30 and 23:00 server time. We ask that players try and get to the raid 15 minutes early to help us arrange the group and get an idea of what we can achieve on a particular day. We would ask that raiders bring food, flasks and pots to cover them for the night. We use Discord for voice.

How to get in touch
There are three ways you can reach out to us if you are interested in joining us. Firstly, the obvious one, you can respond to this post and we will get in touch either through the forums or in game. Secondly, you can reach out to the following people in game and they will be happy to assist:


You can also get in touch with anyone else in the guild if the above aren’t online and ask them any questions.

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon

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