[H] <Proximity> recruiting ALL for Crusible of Storms !

Proximity is currently looking for ALL (Tank, DPS, Heal) For the new raid Crusible of Storms!
Great progress with only 2 raiddays !!

Faction: Horde
Raid Days: Sunday and Monday
Raid Times: We raid from 19:45 - 23:00 server time.
(Raid invites are at 19:45, and the first pull at 20:00)
We plan a 10 min. break around 21:30.

Raid Information ( Needed Addons):

  • For loot we use RC Loot Council (RCLootcouncil Addon Required).
  • Exorsus Raidtools Required.
  • We use TeamSpeak during the raids.

If you’d like to join please whisper someone ingame or check out our website to make an application.
proximity.enjin com

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