Punished is a small guild/community of mature players who like to raid in a relaxed casual environment. Our goal is to clear heroic to get AotC, anything further depends on interest of the crew.
We might not clear the content on a fast pace as some would expect, but we do it on the side of our work & families, to have fun together.
Our raid times are Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time.
Presently we are seeking healer(s) and DPS(s) to bolster our raid team. We are not looking people for bench!
We seek the following, even if your class or role is not listed, don’t hesitate to contact.
healers: monk, paladin, priest, shaman (all healers interested should be able to play their DPS specs if needed)
melee DPS: rogue, DH, DK
ranged DPS: mage, priest, warlock
If you are looking for a new place to hang out, do occasional mythic dungeon and have a good laugh when raiding then contact me on discord Mari#6813 (for faster a reply) for chat or if you prefer bnet only then: Sonnillon#2571 in-game.
We don’t mind having you along with us for our raids, even if you don’t plan to server transfer.