We’re a casual raiding guild who have been around on Turalyon since 2010.
We are looking for a few new raiders for progression through the current raiding tier. Mostly seeking ranged damage classes and Resto Shaman to vary our roster for our joint team with Blazed Redemption - Tarren Mill; however all classes and roles will be considered.
We raid twice a week for progression - Thursday and Sunday with the occasional extra Monday raid. All raids are 7.30pm - 10pm UK time (with invites going out 20 mins before) and Discord is required. As mentioned above, we are a casual group and want to have fun but whilst still progressing as much as we can.
We like a relaxed atmosphere and also welcome social members. If interested, you can speak to myself or an officer in game (Nuin or Bazweigen). You can also apply through the in game guild finder.