[h-pve] eminence - expanding raid roster

Hello, I am interested in joining this guild I am quite new to World of Warcraft, I started playing around the start of BFA and I am quite inexperienced, the last guild I was in wasn’t really active so I couldn’t really learn much from them.

Do you guys accept fairly new players? I am quite lost on what to do.

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Hello, yes we do. At the moment we regularly raid Thursday, Heroic or Mythic and keep up an active M+ group or two. If you contact either the GM, Mýnthe, myself (Vallyra/Virenna) or Fermentation/Fel we can help you out!

Vallyra best tank EU, if I say myself.

What made you settle in Argent Dawn?


Simply enough, the guild lead, 75% of the officers and various members are roleplayers who either like to take their characters along to events or do small plots in-guild.


Glad to hear that, fellow roleplayer.

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A guild of hardcore raiders that actually have interest in the roleplay of Argent Dawn?

It’d be crazy to pass on such a RARE composition.


We’re on raiding hiatus currently, join us for srs raiding and general fun times next tier!

Last raid of the year, and we ended on a high note.
join now and you get quality meme maybe

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Join this guild

As we look at the new year approaching in… ten hours (UK-wise) we’re looking forwards to the new eyeball tentacle gooey tier and finishing up Keystone Master feats of strength for some guildboys.

We are currently still looking for a range of dps, with particular interest in ranged outside of balance druids. We are also willing to try out new tank applicants so one of our tanks can be let out of his cage to play his warlock.

RP wise you might sometimes see me on my main, Vallyra, patrolling the streets of Silvermoon. Please talk to me, my mother tells me I’m cool.

“There’s a man. There’s a man. There’s a man.” - Virenna, with increasing intensity.

New tier inc., huzzah!

:sweden: needs more swede gamers :sweden:


very keen to meet more healer boys

Having reached Carapace with a heartbreaking 0% wipe, we are now set for the final push to the worst cutscene in Blizzard history except maybe that creepy one in Cataclysm.

Also I roleplay Virenna now. Please talk to me. My mum says I am cool.


Join Eminence so you too can experience the joys of awful memes made in MS Paint.

Curve get! With Nzoth falling and the ‘cutscene’ enjoyed, we now set our sights on the Mythic fights in the tier.

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The :dragon_face: is :skull:

Speaking of Mythic fights, Mythic Wrathion dragon boy is kill.

In rp land, looking forwards to organising a small plot looking at what happens to communities who’ve lost their warriors to war, along with what could be going on with the world with N’zoth trying to copy paste Nya’lotha over Azeroth!

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