[H-PvE] Eminence - Expanding the roster!

np honestly

3/8 now the fun truly begins

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I see manapearls whenever I close my eyes.

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Classic launches in mere hours from now! Some of us will be hopping back in time to relive it! Good luck getting the hooves to everyone! :clock3:

Oh and we’ve added the warlock to our recruitment list, any demon affiliated bros out there?

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As we (slowly, painfully) prepare for Ashvane prog we continue looking for priority classes. Which are ranged DPS (priest, hunter).

We also continue doing Mythic plus and certain teams steadily march towards Season 3 Keymaster. We offer pretty much free +10s weekly to whatever as one of the members thinks opening less than 11 chests on wednesday is for peasants.

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Very correct! However we’re looking to expand our roster in general! Ranged is very much still preferred though because they’re just too good! :ok_hand:

Give me your tired , your poor , Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . But mostly give me your foresaken, orcs, goblins, pandas and tauren ranged classes. I want to be more than just a diversity statistic in a sea of elves and trolls.

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Knockback made me do it.

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