[H] [PVE] [EU] <Mirage Raceway> / <Wild Growth> Hench Classic Cataclysm and Discovery Raiding

I started raiding for the first time as a feral druid with Hench, and it has been a very good experience with a good atmosphere.

No I won’t supply a TL;DR.

You know, I went into SoD with the intention and expectation to not join a guild. At least I wouldn’t focus on trying to find a good one, and yet again “have to be” part of a new community.

When I started to get close to 25 (during phase 1) I did consider finding a guild though. Mostly because of raiding and not wanting to PuG.
I’d received whisper after whisper from people, with copy-pasted “recruitment-spiels” and didn’t even bother answering with a “No thank you” anymore.
But one day I suddenly decided that I’d just sift through the messages during a session and basically join the guild that sends the first decent whisper.

The very first message I got that day was from Sadistic (albeit on an alt at the time) and something immediately stood out. I’ve had a couple of “personalised” whispers before. Mostly consisting of “Hey, wanna join my guild?!”.
But this one was elaborate, it was friendly, and patient. And instead of ending with something like “Whisper to join!” at the end, it was instead inviting to a conversation, to see if me and the guild were the right fit.
This all might sound very serious, silly, or too sophisticated for today’s gaming climate. And I’d agree with you.

Regardless, the conversation overall appealed to me, though I was still in the mind of not putting too much effort into making new friends. Over the years, I’ve seen many guilds (and communities in general) rise, fall and die.
The objective is usually simple if one wants to stay unattached: Just follow the rules, be friendly in a formal way, and be active in raids. No more, no less.

After a couple of minutes, I joined Hench with the intention and expectation to not “actually” be part of this new community. At least I wouldn’t focus on trying to make friends.
Those expectations were crushed as well.

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I started playing WOW Sod because I did play vanilla WOW when I was a teenager. I didn’t know that I needed a guild and I didn’t! I needed HENCH! Due to their camaraderie and their positive community I could enjoy the whole content in a very relaxed and also competitive way. The dedication and preparation the guild-lead shows is phenomenal and everybody is very welcoming and nice!

I’m very lucky to have found such a great troop to play with!

Cataclysm GO live courtesy bump

With the forced relocation from Nethergarde Keep to Mirage Raceway I did start to look for the guild as to not repeat mistake from Wrath and found HENCH. After over a month there I can say I’m glad I did. Other members were willing to help with improving my skills and prepare first for the expansion and then gearing up for raids proper. So if you’re looking to raid in Cata but you’re afraid of sweaty min maxing guilds HENCH might be a place you’re looking for.

Seeking a more swift paced adventure, consider joining our Cataclysm team for heroic mix raiding.

For those interested in a more leisurely pace, the time is nigh - Discovery end game is now available!

I was looking for an active guild, and a person told me about Hench. I’m glad I joined. If you are looking for regular Raids and positive people, Hench may be a choice for you.

Hi, are you looking for DC Priest 357?

Ayrilan can you come by our Discord or Guilded and reach out

If you’re looking for somewhere to raid comfortably in SoD, hench are incredibly welcoming, i wasn’t expecting such a helpful group of people but its the perfect guild to progress throughout the phases without a stressful atmosphere