Like many others, i’ve returned to WoW due to being in lockdown. While it made me re-discover my love for this game, it also made me realize it was lacking in one department: the social aspect.
Around 12 years ago, during the TBC era, i started playing this game seriously with a tight-knit group of (ingame) friends, and we completed almost all the content this game had to offer, all while having a blast playing, chatting and goofing around both ingame and on the forums. Once that group started to crumble for many different personal reasons, my interest in this game also deminished, leading to me inevitably quitting the game for many years.
That tight-knit group is the biggest aspect i’m missing while playing now, and that’s the reason i want to start this guild.
I have no big plans to start raiding in Classic, due to the fact that 40 man raids don’t really interest me. Like i said before, i like relatively small guilds where personal relations matter. Not these mastodon-guilds you need so that you have 40 people regularly show up for raids.
That said, if it’s possible to work together with a guild that doesn’t have enough members to raid, that could be an option as well in the future, but for now that’s not the end all be all for this guild.
What is the goal then? Well, i’m looking for people that are willing to invest time in actually getting to know each other. Be active/chatty on discord or any other “service” we have available even when not actually playing the game… I value the person behind the ingame character.
To make sure it’s possible to get to know eachtother, i’m also limiting the guild’s capacity to somewhere between 10 to 20 members…
Every level is welcome, as i’m in no rush during classic. I currently have a lvl 47 Rogue and a lvl 17 Hunter. During the TBC leveling rush i’ve skipped all the dungeon content between 50 and 60 so i’m really interested in doing that some day…
Eventually, i hope TBC servers become a reality and that this can maybe grow in a nice group of people that form a guild (the same one?) once TBC hits. I do want to raid in TBC!
All that sounds like it’s super casual. Me myself, i used to be a “hardcore” raider during TBC, Rogue main, theorycrafting constantly to up my dps…but i also started as a complete beginner. That’s why this guild is open to everybody, the only thing i ask is that you’re interested in getting to know your class & are willing to learn. If you happen to know your class very well, i ask you to be a sort of mentor to those in the guild that might need help.
None of this was meant to scare you guys away, honestly. But i do believe in stating what i believe and stand for upfront; so that even if we do part, we’ll part as friends. If you’re still reading this, you must be interested.
Leave a comment below, and/or poke me on Mirage Raceway, character name is Metzli. I should be online every evening…if i’m not, drop me an ingame mail or poke me here on this topic!
If there’s enough interest, i’ll make an actual guild and discord and such…