[H] [PVE] | Nethergarde Keep | <Gul’dans Forgotten Clan> | 8/10 | Late Night Raid

<Gul’dans Forgotten Clan> - Late Night Raid Guild is looking to recruit!

We are a Horde, Late Night raiding guid in EU - Nethergarde Keep - PVE.
An experienced guild which has formed from members who have cleared all classic content. First and foremost, we are a guild wich strives to help each other out when ever is possible.

Currently mainly looking for:
1x Resto shaman
1x Boomkin druid (SSC/TK ready)

Exceptionally applications from Any class will be consider.

  • We provide Flask and Potions for raiders.
  • We expect you to know your class and fights.


  • SSC 5/6
  • TK 3/4
  • Karazhan 11/11 : Gruul 2/2 : Mag 1/1 :

Our raiding days & times are as follows:
Monday, Wednesday , Thursday from 22.00-00.30 Server time.

If you are looking for an active, keen to push end game content and helpful guild with late night raid times this is Your Home!

Send a DM to any officer team or visit our discord.
Vendettav (GM)


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