[H PvE] Rogue LF casual HC guild

Hi there fellow Argent Dawners

I’m a 30 year old Norwegian guy, i’ve been away from the game for a while now, but i’m looking to get back into things and therefor i’m looking for a guild on Argent Dawn to do some raiding with.

A bit about me: I’ve been playing since Vanilla, on and off, always been a raider, been raiding current end game content in every expansion so far, been raiding as every role and class in the game. I’ve been a social, member, officer, raid leader and guild leader at some time in the game.

What am i looking for? - A casual guild that focuses on progressing HC raiding and getting Ahead of the Curve for current content, i don’t have any problem with starting in normal and progressing.

If this is interesting for you or your guild, leave a comment, and we can speak in more detail via bnet or discord.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day!

Hello there!

Eminence seems to be a good guild, as i know some nice people from there. It might be of interest to you. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

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