[H] PvP - Wolfram

Greetings, Defias and Co.
Its me again. You know, the corpse.

Glorious battles have taken their toll on our beloved Wolfram.
Many trials did not make it, some of our best Wolfriders have fallen, even a few Veterans have mysteriously 'vanished' off the face of the Azeroth. But such is the way of war, and we must press on, start afresh, recruit fresh blood for the morally grey battlefield!
As such, I am pleased to announce the recruitment gates of Wolfram are open once more! What a beautiful time to be dea... Alive.

We believe in keeping the spirit of the old Wolfram, where rating isn't a necessity, but a keen willingness to learn, listen, and take part are all qualities we strive for in those we recruit. Now is an excellent time to apply, as we wind down before season 2 starts, lots of open RBGs to see what works for us as a guild.

    Are you a keen bean when it comes to PvP?
    Do you like to kick back in random BGs and WPvP in your downtime?
    Are you wanting to play RBGs, but don't have the group to do it with?

If the above apply to you, we might just be what you're looking for!

Here are some of the activities our members do;
    Progressive RBGs
    Open RBGs
    Mythic + (usually begrudgingly but gear is gear)
    Casual PvP

If you're interested in applying, please speak to an officer in game, or add me on bnet: Skullex#2387

Officers: Skullex-DefiasBrotherhood

We also have an opening for a RBG officer with experience in leading RBGs. Please add me on battletag for more information.

Note - some of our members are working on Project70 - levelling without heirlooms, raiding at 70, etc. If this is of interest to you, Lamma's your guy.

Slay safe out there!
Skully, xox.
HI i uhh good guild! Social players fun chats, i recommend joining this cool guild. Good pve/pvp players aswell.
Great bunch of guys, real friendly.
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Huge call for TCs!
Could also do with more boomchickens.

Don't delay, contact us today!
Do you need a MW Monk, I have one on Horde?
Boomchicken :D .fried
Yes @Lllaneli, all healers encouraged to apply! :D
More the merrier.

Oh the wonderous boomchickens of Azeroth.
They go by many names.
Usually with profanities if they're on the opposite faction.
Ok, I'll hit you up on Ryujo :)
We're a little dry on the casters.
More warlocks and mages please.

Always a home for RBG leaders and target callers!

Jeeze Louise what did they do to the forums.

A huge thank you to the troll warlock who crashed our meeting in Thunderbluff tonight, put us Officers in our place and proclaimed his true place as Overlord of Wolfram. We will follow you to the ends of Azeroth and beyond.

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It is nice to have you back guys. Hopefully we’ll have PVP like the good old days. See you on the fields of Azeroth

Much love <3


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Drustvar belongs to the wolves.

Thank you to the Alliance who kept us entertained last night. We really enjoyed the fights between the Azerite quest and Arom’s Stand, and I hope our bounty loot is enough to keep you bloodthirsty rats sated until the next time we meet.

My guild is moving to another server , they ‘re more pve because my time is limited :frowning:
I was doing more pvp :slight_smile: so if u want a vanilla rogue with crap rating im your man ( im 47 !)

I play rogue btw or sv hunter :slight_smile:

Hey! Just give me add on btag and we can have a chat! Skullex#2387