Hello people,
We are a bunch of old hardcore PVE irl friends and decided to give Shadowlands a try. Nowdays, with families and jobs, we prefer something much more Casual and thats why we wanna create a 10 man Guild for Normal/Heroic raids and Mythic+ runs. Since we are already 5-6 people we only need some additions, being in the same situation as we are. Please contact me on Discord if you wanna have a chat. Orangia#8756
Hello all,
We had already some interest and thank you for this. Just looking for 2-3 more people to fit us. Please dont hesitate to contact me on discord Orangia#8756
ill contact Orangia today when i get home. Me and my friend are intressted to join. Sound like the place for us to be honest 
Hello again people,
Just a small update on this. Let me thank you for the interest so far. We have almost a full team of great people and we need to cover some specific spots now.
Would be great if there was a tank interested in joining our community, most likely a Death Knight. A hunter and a cater Dps would be awesome too!
Please contact me on Discord Orangia#8756
Hello Orangia .
I have added you on Discord but you havn’t accepted yet. I look forward to hear from you.
best regards 
Hello again people,
We are currently in need for a Healer , to make sure we won’t have any surprises in Castle Nathria preferably a Paladin or Druid.
Hit me up on discord Orangia#8756 if you would like to have a discussion
Elring - GM of “A Few Good Creatures”