[H] Ragnaros <Two Point Zero> Social Recruitment

< Two Point Zero > is a gaming community looking for more players to join and play with! We started up a couple months ago and have grown a decent amount since then through people playing with us and enjoying the community, we even have a few people who have transferred servers just to be in the guild :smiley:

TPZ is a community for anyone to join and get content done at all levels with friendly players who’s focus is to enjoy the game! We get content done at different levels for our different players. For example, we try and get a Heroic clear done every week and will try and get a Normal run done every week as well for people’s alts or for new / returning players who aren’t quite ready yet for Heroic. We also do M+ keys at all levels, from +2 to +15s and up, so you will always be able to make a group with a couple people around your level :smiley:

TPZ is looking to raid in Classic as well, so we are looking for some players who are also looking to raid. We are currently looking for all roles for Classic, so you can apply to join with whatever you plan on playing :smiley: Raid days and times are still to be decided.

TPZ also plays other games, one of the big ones being League of Legends (both normal and Team Fight Tactics) as well as lots of other smaller games.

If you are interested in joining Two Point Zero for either Retail or Classic WoW, comment below or send me a message :smiley: Or contact me through Discord (Gladi#7054) or Battle Net (Gladi#21504) I look forward to hearing from you ^^

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