I’ve returned to bfa since the new patch released, because I really like the theme of this patch. I’ve been raiding since classic, only skipping cata and mop. I’m an experienced player and a quick learner.
I’ve done most raids in bfa in hc with my guild as progression, only taking a break from EP HC since classic came out and I wanted to focus on that. I’ve cleared EP HC entirely except for Queen Azshara. (my guild downed her a couple weeks afterwards so I missed out on that)
I came back for Ny’alotha but found out that my guild was pretty much dead. So I’m looking for a new semi hardcore guild that want to at least clear Ny’alotha on HC. I can raid almost every day from 20:00 - 24:00, except for Monday. Monday is reserved for raiding on classic
If you need more information then be free to contact me ingame.
Thank you for your time.
I am the recruitment officer representing The Obsidian Order on Aggramar. We are a semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild (currently 11/12 hc) looking to recruit a few more dps to finalize our mythic roster. If this is interesting to you at all and a server transfer is an option for you then please do add me (Exodeo#2151) for a chat and take a look at our recruitment post;