Hello there!
We are Raiders of Rohan, a social Heroic raiding guild, and we’re looking for main and offtanks to complete our raid team
Our current tanks are dps main, and have been filling in, but would prefer to go back to dps, so we’re hoping to find a couple of lovely people to fill the spots. Our current progress is 8/8 normal, and 8/8 heroic Eternal Palace, and we’re raring to go for the next patch and onwards to Shadowlands!
We raid Wednesday and Sunday, 8-11 server time (invites go out 10 mins before so we can get going at 8)
We’re happy to consider non tanks also, if you just want to mythic plus, or do any other roles, that’s fine, we’re an active friendly set of nutters who are always happy to welcome more people in
Outside of raids, we have a busy discord, where we tend to enjoy chatting about life outside the game, as well as all the in game joys there are to have We love our social nights, and we have a classic side guild if you want to spend some time over there too
If you’re interested in joining us, or want a chat, please feel free to contact us on battlenet or in game! Look forward to talking to you! <3
Dispare (bnet: GillRLister#2659 Discord: Dispare#02461)
Kawari (bnet: Jem#2368 Discord: EasyTiger#5903)
Stormlotus (bnet: Jimijams#1880)