[H] Raiding community seeking Healer & DPS!

Punished is a small guild/community of mature players who like to raid in a relaxed casual environment. Our goal is to clear heroic to get AotC, anything further depends on interest of the crew.
We might not clear the content on a fast pace as some would expect, but we do it on the side of our work & families, to have fun together.

Our raid times are Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time.

Progression: 9/9 HC BoD, 2/2 N CoS

Presently we are seeking healer(s) and DPS(s) to bolster our raid team. We are not looking people for bench!

We seek the following, even if your class or role is not listed, don’t hesitate to contact.
healers: monk, paladin, priest, shaman (all healers interested should be able to play their DPS specs if needed)
melee DPS: rogue, DH, DK, warrior
ranged DPS: mage, priest, warlock, druid, hunter

If you are looking for a new place to hang out, do occasional mythic dungeon and have a good laugh when raiding then contact me on discord Mari#6813

Also you can join our community and sign up for our events in the in-game calendar if you wish to try us out: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/ME7qa5IBKx?region=EU&faction=Horde (right now our main focus is killing Blockade, so we’ll be extending)

We don’t mind having you along with us for our raids, even if you don’t plan to server transfer.

Hello,i’ve read and i think we have common interests.I’d like to communicate with you in game.Will send you request,battle tag request in game.Thanks

We are still seeking for healers to avoid PUGing from group finder as much as possible. If you like fun, can join us 2 times per week when ever you are available have a chill attitude then do poke us on our discord for a chat and more.

Your community sounds just like what i am looking for - my guild slowly looses more and more people to the “i am bored with wow” syndrom and after a rather successful Uldir we basically havent had a raid in ages.

I amhowever not a healer - but if you are still taking DPS i would be very interested.

I have ilvl 385 Resto and Balance specs - i’m interested in joining up. Like others, my guild is diminishing. I work shifts so would not be able to attend some weeks but i’ll be available most of the time.

BT: Coffeemate#2316

What DPS class are you playing Capan?

Can you play both spec at decent levels? As the amount of healers greatly depends on the day then on some days instead of healing you should go DPS.

Can you also please add me on discord so we could chat some more and I can provide you with the community link in order for you to see the calendar invite to the raid.
I am more available on discord then I am on bnet. Mari#6813 - my discord ID.

Raided with this lot this week and had a fab time. Nice friendly and patient bunch would recommend to anyone wanting to raid but cant due to guild numbers etc.

Looking forward to next week. Cheers.

We are looking for some DPS to bolster our team. If you are a Mage, Warlock, Rogue, DK or even a DH - check us out and do a trial run with us to see are we a fit for you or not.
Also if you are a healer, we cannot really offer you a MS healing spot, but more healing on demand, while you mainly play DPS.

I’m interested. Got a priest if you are interested. Still gearing though

Are you the one who already messaged me on discord or you someone else :)? I have not had a chance to get online over the weekend so I might I’ve missed your trying to contact me.


We are still plodding along and still looking for healers and DPS to join our raiding community.

Come try us.

Hey, so I usually only Heal - I can DPS in a pinch but usually I’m there to keep everyone up and at their best, so if that’s not something you’re needing by all means, I understand ^^

But I don’t mind helping out where I can, especially if it helps others get what they’re after. Still leveling a Monk, but she’s 366 at the time of writing this. If you want to hit me up, I’m on Discord: Anubis#2779

Added you on discord.

Hello, sounds good to me. I am looking for people to raid with. I will get in touch tomorrow :+1:

We are still seeking DPS (with healing/tanking OS) and Healers (with DPS OS). Dw if you play just one of your specs, you are still more then welcome to join our crew.

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