[H] Ranged DPS with previous CE experience (and more) LF 2-3 day weekly CE guild for TWW

Returning player looking to raid mythic in TWW and achieve CE again.

I achieved CE as a DPS when raiding Uldir in BFA. Outside of mythic raiding, I have spent a lot of time playing arena (+10 Gladiator titles) and Dota 2 (currently Immortal rank).

I am dependable, i.e., high raid attendance, have a sense of humor and a maximum DPS achiever.

I am looking to main one of the following classes/specs:

i) Hunter
ii) Warlock
iii) Shadow Priest
iv) Elemental Shaman

I am looking for a raiding guild with previous CE experience that raids 2 or 3 times a week. Due to the introduction of cross-realm mythic guilds in TWW, I am not picky about which realm the guild as located on as long as it is Horde.

Feel free to add me on Bnet here:


One and All Guild is a casual raiding guild with friendly chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people
We raid Thurs-Friday around 8:30 PM till 11:00 server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW
Socials and M+ are welcome ofc
feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit